Nancy Goetzinger Assumes Position of Director of Breast Imaging – Leads Product Introduction Effort with Latam Partners in Argentina

Nancy Goetzinger’s role at Imago has expanded from Director of Training for Imago ICE Reveal™, the Company’s breast imaging software product, to also encompass the position of Director of Breast Imaging. She is leading the team from Imago in partnership with Latam Partners in Argentina to introduce ICE Reveal into Argentina, beginning in Buenos Aires. 

The first step will be to complete a second round of readings of 500 screening mammogram cases originally acquired at Hospital Militar and Hospital Posadas in Buenos Aires as part of a blood biopsy product trial under the auspices of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council – Argentina (CONICET). 

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This second round of readings will use Imago ICE Reveal characterizations of the original mammograms as a Proof of Concept for presentation by Latam Partners to Argentina’s ANMAT (the country’s medical products regulatory agency) as well as to potential users of ICE Reveal’s “software as a medical device” (SaMD) at hospitals and clinics throughout Argentina. 

Imago will be assisting Latam Partners and its primary reseller, Hyaltec SA, to establish beta sites at the two currently participating hospitals along with a large clinic in Buenos Aires. Imago will also create a demonstration site at Hyaltec headquarters in downtown Buenos Aires.